Update on the Pending Smith-Wyden Tax Act

The tax bill put forth a few weeks ago, the Smith-Wyden Tax Act, has the potential to bring about significant changes for both individual and business taxpayers in 2024 and possibly even retroactively to 2022 and 2023. Although the bill passed the House, it is currently stalled in the Senate. Here’s a highlight of the tax provisions that we believe will be most impactful to our clients:

R&D Expense Correction:

Child Tax Credit Expansions:

Bonus Depreciation Reinstatement:

Business Interest Expense Limitation:

Section 179 Small Business Expensing Cap:

We will continue to monitor the Act – whether it continues to move through Senate or stalls. Given the proximity to the tax filing due date for calendar year entities, we are advising our affected clients to extend their 2023 tax returns to avoid possible amendments to their returns should the Act pass on a retroactive basis. If you have any questions on how the Act may impact your tax situation, please call us at 630-953-4900.

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Exploring State Tax Incentives That Can Benefit Your Business

Understanding State Sales Tax, Nexus and Voluntary Disclosure Programs

Using Installment Sales to Defer Taxes