Cray Kaiser Announces Its Certification as an Approved Transnational Audit Firm

Cray Kaiser has decades of experience in audits, including specialized audits for nonprofits and employee benefit plans. And today, we’re excited to announce the addition of another specialization: transnational audits.

Working with Russell Bedford, our firm underwent a strict AQC process to ensure the quality of our audit practice. From this certification process, it was determined that CK:

We are incredibly proud of our audit team for completing this rigorous certification process over the course of the last few months. As a result of the Approved Transnational Audit Firm certification, we are now able to perform audits for organizations across the globe through Russell Bedford. We look forward to offering our services and extending the CK family internationally.

To learn more about Cray Kaiser’s audit services, please click here. If you’d like assistance with an audit you can contact us at 630-953-4900.

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