Cray Kaiser’s Value – Education

Micah: Cray Kaiser provides a lot of educational opportunities and training opportunities,
whether in-house, or utilizing some other partner programs. We really provide the
resources for staff to learn and grow in the areas that they want to pursue.

Natalie: At Cray Kaiser I’ve been able to expand kind of my area of knowledge. I wasn’t
really strong on the S corporation side. I just didn’t work on them as often at my
prior firm. I really have been able to increase my knowledge on S corporations by
learning from other staff and attending CBE classes, things like that, and really
focusing on taking the knowledge that everybody had on other different aspects
of tax, including the S corporations and figuring out how to best plan and to
consult with my clients. Really expanding that because, it’s such a focus here at
Cray Kaiser is being able to consult and help our clients to either get to that next
step or minimize tax, whatever it is that their objective is. We really want to be
able to help them get to that objective.

Dan: Over the past nine years here, working at Cray Kaiser, my goal has always been
and will continue to be getting better each and every day. The learning
opportunities and the personal growth I have received while working here has
been tremendous. At the end of every year, I look back at where I was the prior
year, and you can just see these big grows every year. So again, it’s being a
better accountant, just getting better each and every day. And it’s impossible not
to while working here.

Natalie: Whether it’s been John Kaiser, who’s one of the founding partners. I mean, he’s
just a wealth of knowledge and I’ve tried to soak in anything I can from him. To,
again, every level here at Cray Kaiser and just always trying to learn, we’re
always trying to teach each other. I’ve really felt that I have expanded my
knowledge base since I’ve been here at Cray Kaiser.

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Cray Kaiser’s Value – Integrity

Navigating Nexus: Understanding State Income Tax Obligations for Businesses

Cray Kaiser’s Value – Care