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My name is Eva Koziel and my job title is supervisor of accounting services. I have been at Cray Kaiser for
five years. What makes Cray Kaiser different from other firms that I’ve worked with is they have a small
community feel, and what I mean by that is you don’t feel threatened to go and ask a partner a question.
It is definitely a team effort here, and we all work together to accomplish all our goals.

My name is Aaron McWilliams and my job title is a senior account. I have been a CK team member for
about 10 years now. What enticed me about Cray Kaiser is, I really liked the team atmosphere that CK
had. I also liked the fact that I would be given the opportunity to work in many different areas of
accounting, rather than just one specific area. I’ve stayed at Cray Kaiser, because I really feel like the
culture here is very good corporate culture. Everybody is really striving towards the same goal and
everyone takes pride in the work that we put out there every day.

My name is Maria Gordon, and I am a tax senior here at Cray Kaiser. I just finished my fifth tax season at
Cray Kaiser. Cray Kaiser’s culture is like a big family, and I know that might sound cliché to say that, but
the environment here is very relational. You constantly hear people around the office talking with one
another, not only about work issues, but really genuinely caring about what’s going on in one another’s
lives. We joke around a fair amount. There’s a good amount of laughter that we have here, and it helps
to keep things light and fun. It doesn’t detract from us being able to get our work done, which is really
fabulous. It seems to just add to the energy level in the office.

My name is Joshua Auskalnis and my job title is In-Charge Accountant. I originally started as an intern
during tech season of 2020, and I’ve just now reached my one-year mark as a full-time CK team member.
What originally, I was looking for was to join the public accounting field, and so I was kind of looking for
smaller firms as I wanted to be able to know people and not just be another face in the crowd. That was
the beautiful thing that Cray Kaiser offered, was that I would be able to work in public accounting and
still be at a small firm. I basically get to experience all the different types of returns between S Corps,
partnerships, basically anything that Cray Kaiser prepares, I get a chance to experience that.

My name is Karen Hoban and I’m an accountant in the accounting services department. I’ve been with
Cray Kaiser just about two years. I joined in August of 2019. We have a few clients in accounting services
that come to us, they’re very small business people that have a good handle on their own small
business, but they don’t have a lot of resources. They certainly don’t have a lot of educational
background in the accounting or financial side of their business. So, it can be very rewarding to feel like
are helping the client, but in the process also teaching them and empowering them to take over some of
the processes that I think that they’re usually very intimidated by. Once they have learned how to take
on some of those tasks themselves, that they feel that they understand their business even more.

My name is Priyangiben Patel, and I have been interning with Cray Kaiser for almost seven months now.
My biggest takeaway from my internship was being able to apply the practical knowledge that I gained
from this internship working in the office to the classroom knowledge that I’m currently having. During
tax season, I did not have any experience with any tax returns, so it was nice that I was taking a tax class
and doing tax returns at the same time. Which helped me understand the concept better.

Before applying at CK for an internship, I did not know what I wanted to do, especially in the accounting
field, because there are so many options and different departments to work with. I was mostly confused
between insurance and taxation. With working at CK during tax season, it really helped me understand
that taxation is something that I would like to focus is on, especially for my masters.

I’m forever grateful for that. I did not know much before doing the internship here and it feels like I have
learned a lot from the time that I started to the time I’ll end. It’s nice to know that whatever I have
learned in terms of filing returns, helping the accounting services team with the PPP and ERC credits,
helping the audit team, I will be able to apply all of it to my college experience and job.

I think CK’s culture is very diverse and friendly. From the time that I have joined the firm, I was treated
very nicely by everyone. When I was unsure about something, it felt like I was able to go to anyone for
help, whether it was the partners or coworkers or supervisors, my questions were being answered nicely.
One thing I would like someone who’s considering joining the CK intern team to know is that at the
internship role definitely helps them understand the accounting world better in terms of whether they
want to focus on one field, one aspect of accounting or focus on many other things.

Then, I also want them to know that they will feel very welcomed and welcomed by the entire CK team,
as they’re very helpful. If I were to rate my overall experience at Cray Kaiser, I would definitely give it a 10
out of 10 because it was amazing to work with the team here. Before interning here, don’t be afraid that
you don’t know much about accounting, from what I have learned, I think you will definitely understand
a lot more after joining this team here. They will help you answer your questions and help you
understand the accounting world better.

Hi. So my name is Thomas Cirrincione. I had the opportunity to intern last summer of 2020, and then
again, this summer of 2021, and then additionally, in between over winter break of 2020. I’ve made my
rounds. In my summers here as an intern and then my one little stint over the winter, I’ve kind of been a
utility knife, kind of getting my hands on as many different things as I could. Everything from
administrative work to employee benefit audits to year end audits and going out in the field and helping
with inventory counts. My goal was to try and learn as much as I could and get my hands on as many
different aspects of the business as possible. I think I really achieved that through my time here so far.

One thing that I would say was a great takeaway from this experience was learning that everyone here
from the top to the bottom, whether it was a partner who’s planning for retirement, a partner who just
made partner or a full-time staff who just finished their internship and are now on full-time. Everyone
here is there to help you and willing to help and encourages questions, because that means that you’re
learning and that you care.

Something that I will take away from my internship going back to school and this is one reason why I
encourage people to take internships as early as they can, is because you now have these real-life
scenarios and situations that you’ve seen applied to your clients or learned about from your peers.
When you’re going back to school and learning about these situations, it’s a lot easier to understand
them if you understand their context and their application.

So that’s one thing that I would really recommend younger students take into consideration and I will be
bringing back to school with me as well. Throughout my two consecutive summers here, I could still see
how much growth that Cray Kaiser has and is going to have. You could see that evidence through the
managers and the partners and how much they care about recruiting and how much they are asking the
opinions of the younger people and how they want to grow the internship program and grow the
experiences they’re able to give. That these students that are there for just a short time and how to keep
them involved and engaged. I think that was really special to show how much they really cared about it. I
think moving forward, what I have learned the most is just continue to be curious and don’t really set
your mind on one specific route or track. Even if it’s something that interests you, you can still pursue
that, but keep your options open to other routes and ideas. That’s the way you’re going to see the most

My name is Kayla Daniels and I am a senior assurance accountant. I have been with CK for almost four
months. Pods is a program that CK has set up between managers and their team, and it’s a weekly
meeting that you have with your assigned manager to mostly manage your schedule because it can get
pretty busy. So they just want to make sure that the work is being allocated properly and that you’re
understanding what needs to happen and just providing feedback as well.

My name is Maria Gordon, and I am a tax senior here at Cray Kaiser. I just finished my fifth tax season at
Cray Kaiser. One of our principles Karen, she’s the head of tax, she personally is my mentor in our mentor
program, but even beyond that, she is such a wealth of tax knowledge that I know if there’s ever a topic,
I’m hitting a dead end on, I can go to Karen and, she’s like, “well, have you looked at this?”. You kind of
thump yourself on the head like, “oh yeah, I didn’t even think about that”. I think having someone like
Karen with all of her, not just knowledge but experience, she just has seen so much over the years with
all her clients that it is such a benefit to me. I feel like I’m becoming a person like her. I’m becoming more
experienced and more knowledgeable about a wider range of tax issues, and that makes me more
helpful to my clients.